
\ˈvē ˈwī ˈklīm\

Our roots come from aviation and “V-speeds” are standard terms used to define airspeeds that are important or useful to aircraft operation. These “V-speeds” are derived from data obtained by aircraft designers and manufacturers during flight testing. Using “V-speeds” is considered best practice to maximize safety and performance.

Many of these “V-speeds” are defined in federal aviation regulations and Vy (pronounced ˈvē ˈwī) is the speed for the best rate of climb. This is the speed a pilot would fly during a climb in order to quickly reach cruise altitude. Another “V-speed”, for example Vx, would have you climbing at a steeper rate but the forward progress would be less than climbing at Vy. 

Our company, VyClimb Consulting, maximizes safety and performance while helping you, your team, or your organization quickly climb to new heights.

Photo Credit: Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3B)

Photo Credit: Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3B)